Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May with the Liezens...

Abigail had a month of many firsts including her first major disaster and a face full of owies, her first corn on the cob, new words every day and always trying to keep up by doing things that big brother can do. I'm looking forward to seeing how she reacts to grandma and grandpa's pool, because if the bathtub is any indication, she has no fear of the water. Abigail is my little girlie girl who loves to change clothes, play with her baby and carry a purse. However, she is also my little tomboy who loves to climb, play in the dirt and scratch up her knees. What an adventurer this girl is!

Springtime is one of Andrew's favorite times of the year because it means many hours outside. He loves to ride his bike, play with his friends and make "machines" with dirt and sticks. Andrew had a special graduation from preschool and even though I didn't think I'd be one of those sappy moms, I was fighting tears the entire time. His teachers at Prince of Peace have been amazing and very special to us. It's hard to believe how fast my little boy has grown up. Andrew is curious, happy, challenging, inquisitive and funny and not a day goes by that I am not thankful for him.

We were so fortunate to have the Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda, Africa visit our church again this year. We were a host family for Ian (age 10), Dovin (age 9), Auntie Linda and Uncle Alex. What a blessing it was to share time with these amazing people. We will continue to remember them and all of the other children at the Watoto Village in our prayers!


Humphreys family said...

Oh my gosh...poor Abigail's face! These pictures are so adorable and it makes me miss you guys so much! They are growing up too fast.

Andrea said...

Can I just say...your kids are so cute! Poor Abigail and her scratched up little face! I know people say boys are busy but my Ashlyn seems SO much busier than my boys! Maybe it's the second child syndrome...? Looks like you guys had a busy, but very fun month.

jonesfamily said...

I know I see you every week but when I see pictures of your kids I just want to make sure you know how cute they are! I am glad her poor little eye has healed. Take it easy this week! And tell Andrew congrats on his graduation! We should celebrate at the park one of these mornings!
