Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hats, Hats, Hats!

This blog is all about Abby's love of HATS! Her favorite word is "hat" and she is always finding hats around the house and putting them on. In one picture, she has one hat on her head, another in her purse, and she's managing to carry a book as well. Abigail is really interested in books now! I also was able to capture a shot of the newest bonk on her face under her eye. She cried for a second and then was off and running again.

Andrew and Abigail were so excited with the foot of snow that fell today. I always feel like more time is spent getting all of the winter gear on rather than actual play time, but the kids love it! We've had cold temperatures and it looks like it will continue that way, so we'll be having a white Christmas in Spokane!

Make sure and turn the music off so that you can hear Abigail in the video!

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