Thursday, November 12, 2009

Family Picture Time

Andrew's school (Woodridge) had a professional photographer come and do photos for a fund-raiser, so we figured we would take advantage of the deal. We're pretty pleased with how the pictures turned out. The kids redeemed my faith in getting pictures done (last year was not fun)! They were so cooperative and we managed to get a few shots with Abigail smiling. Most of the time, she was twiddling her fingers and acting shy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun

Andrew and Abigail had a lot of fun helping carve pumpkins this year (even though I had to pull out most of the pumpkin guts)! Andrew picked a skull and Abigail picked a "meow meow". I'm starting to wonder if she'll ever use the word cat.

Finished products...

Halloween night was fun too. Andrew was a fireman and Abigail was a fairy princess.